Experience & Accuracy
Benefit from 30+ years of bookkeeping experience and specialized nonprofit training. Confidently guide your organization by relying on correct information.
Conscientious & Trustworthy
Rest assured that your information is safe and confidential. Enjoy your mission again when you have time for the most important things.
Innovative Solutions
Stay up to date with cutting edge solutions your organization needs. Keep information right where it needs to be – at your fingertips.
Reports & Advice
Gain valuable insight into the health of your organization and status of fund accounts. Benefit from a bookkeeping partner who explains your reports and gives advice. Increase your ability to correct problems and focus funding efforts.
“Rachel is fantastic at bookkeeping and has helped me look beyond just the numbers. Her experience and professionalism combined with her personal approach is so refreshing and just what I needed to help shift my small business focus from simply profitable to sustainable. I am grateful to have found her and highly recommend her.”
Dave Reinhardt, Knechtus, LLC
Rachel came into my practice and cleaned up a mess! She was professional, knowledgeable, and comforting. She allowed me to see clearly how my business was running, made my staff more comfortable with an easy payroll system and put my patients at ease with a smooth invoice process. I will always be grateful for what she has done for me and my business.
Dianne Hinton, Calmglow, Inc.